Haeckelove klamstvá o ontogenéze a hanba slovenského školstva

Haeckelove klamstva o ontogeneze v knihe Biologie na gymnaziu v druhom rocniku sa stale ucia, embryogeneza
Učebnica Biológie pre druhý ročník na gymnáziách
Haeckelovo prikraslovanie ontogenezy aby pripominala fylogenezu
Rozdiel medzi Haeckelovou kresbou a realitou vzhľadu dieťatka v neskoršom štádiu
Richardson embryos - haeckel-truth-lie-embryology-photos-2151017492
Horný riadok: Haeckelove zmanipulované kresby. Dolný riadok: Fotky skutočných embryí.



1. J. Sarfati, M. Mathews: Vyvrácení evoluce 2, 2011.

2. P.H. Raven and G.B. Johnson, Biology (3rd edition) (St. Louis, MO: Mos­by-Year Book, 1992), p. 396. For example, S. Gilbert, Developmental Bio­logy (5th edition) (MA: Sinauer Associates, 1997), p. 254, 900. Gilbert wrongly credits the drawings to ‘Romanes, 1901’.

3. W.H. Rusch Sr., Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny, Creation Research Society Quarterly 6(1):27–34, 1969.

4. Simpson and Beck, An Introduction to Biology, p. 241, 1965.

5. K. Thompson, Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated, American Scien­tist 76:273, 1988.

6. Fotografie embryí z databázy Dr Michael K. Richardsona. Pôvodne ich zverejnil M.K. Richardson et al., ©Springer-Ver­lag GmbH & Co., Tiergartenstrasse, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany, 1997. There is no highly conserved stage in the vertebrates: implications for current theories of evolution and development, Anatomy and Embryo­logy 196(2):91–106.

7. R. Grigg, Fraud rediscovered, Creation 20(2):49–51, 1998; also Richard­son et al., reference 6.

8. N. Hawkes, The Times (London), 11 August 1997, p. 14.

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